Feminism and Game are similar programs in the sense they each offer their adherents the idea of becoming something they are not. Women: to become men. Men: to become alpha men.
Both make the same democratic assumption: that anyone can be anything they want to be.*
Both, to be successful, must make similar denials of fact.
For women to become men the idea of a man must first be whittled down. Through laws and social pressure men are made to be more feminine, making equality more attainable for women.
Likewise, average men must reduce the scope of the alpha male to make it attainable. Alpha is simply redefined as quality and quantity of sexual partners. In place of a conquering Alexander, there is now a snappily dressed man plying drinks and jokes to women in bars in exchange for sex.
The antagonism between the two programs is curious given that they essentially provide one another with what they are each looking for. The women: to be with a man who excites her like a natural alpha, but with none of the actual danger. The men: a larger pool of sexual partners who aspire to be as promiscuous as the most promiscuous men, thereby allowing him to pad his notch count and proclaim alpha status.
Indeed, in the natural alpha the two groups share a common antagonist. Both women and non-alpha men have throughout history been subject to his mistreatment and subjugation. It thereby comes as no surprise that both Game and Feminism flourish among the college educated middle class, a socio-economic class devoid of the natural alphas who are either oligarchs or outlaws.**
The natural alpha is a continuing reminder that not only are men and women not equals, but men cannot make themselves equal to other men either. Though the natural alpha is a fact of the species, the middle classes have little contact with him. It is not that the middle classes have banished or repressed him, it is that he has no interest or capacity to live among them. Cubicle jobs and working for others does not become him. Verily, as the middle class erodes economically the natural alpha will return to restore order in things, for he is drawn to danger and opportunity. Women will again assume their place as women, feminine and submissive, and selective in their sexual partners. And the game player, that Napoleon without an army, will be revealed as what he always was. In other words, just a short man.
* There is something of the "blank slate" argument in it too, and arguably, in America, the anti-aristocratic aspects of the Horatio Alger myth.
** Today's Game-playing alpha lives in danger of encountering a natural alpha who calls his bluff and perhaps pulls his card.