5. To live comfortably with one’s ideas in the
small room in which they were born can bring only modest surprises. Verily,
ideas, like men, long for comfort. In comfort they grow and become
entangled and whatever was false in them becomes established. For an
honest and courageous man to achieve a greatness he must go into the world in
search of what is least comfortable. It is through risk and danger and
challenge that he may identify and prune away what is false in his thinking.
19. Later they will say it was all written
while sitting. Yes, it was composed alone in a room, seated at a desk. But the
ideas themselves were made on the Patagonian steppe, tested in the rigor of a
wind they call la escoba de Dios (The broom of God), in a land empty of
birds and trees and other men.
Would that the broom of God have swept this world clean.